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Which of the following methods is followed in electing the President of India?

A. Proportional Representation only B. First-past-the-Post System only C. Proportional Representation and Single Transfer Vote System D. Proportional Representation and First-past-the-Post System Solution: C The election of the President in India is described in Article 54 of the Constitution. The President of India is elected indirectly through Proportional Representation and Single Transfer Vote System. Recently, Draupadi Murmu became India's 15th President. Under Article 60, the President of India takes the oath before entering his office. The Chief Justice of India administers the oath of office to the President. The President's term of office is five years, starting from the day he takes office. Hence, (c) is the correct answer. Watch video explanation on election of President of India . 

If a Panchayat is dissolved, elections are to be held within ______ Month(s). (UKPCS 2022 Prelims Exam)

A. One  B. Three C. Six D.  Nine Solution: C Panchayats was added in Part IX of the Constitution through the 73rd Amendment 1992. It includes provisions from Articles 243 to 243(O) and a new Eleventh Schedule covering 29 subjects within the functions of Panchayats. The Panchayats have been given a 5-year tenure, and elections must be held before the expiry of this term. However, under the state legislation, the Panchayat may be dissolved early on specific grounds. In that case, the elections must be held before the dissolution's six-month deadline. Hence, (c) is the correct answer. Read about the Sources of the Indian Constitution . 

In which year was the ‘Lotteries Regulation Act’ passed? (SSC CGL 2022 11 April Shift 1)

A. 1998 B. 1993 C. 1999 D. 1991 Solution: A On July 7, 1998, the Lotteries Regulation Act was passed. It came into effect on October 2, 1998. The act was drafted to regulate lottery sales and bring the business of selling lotteries under state control. There is a complete ban on carrying on the lottery business in any manner after the enforcement of the Act, as also stated under Section 3 of the Act which prohibits the States from 'organising', 'conducting' or 'promoting' lotteries. However, if a state wants to run this business, then there are some mandatory which are required to be followed under section 4 of the Act. Hence, option (A) is correct.  Read SSC GK Study Material for free. 

State Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by (MPPSC Prelims 2022 GS Paper)

A.  Governor B. President of India C. Chief Justice of High Court D. Home Minister Solution: A As per Article 243K(1), the State Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by the Governor who is entrusted with the superintendence, direction and control of the preparation  for electoral rolls for and the conduct of all elections to Panchayats  and Municipalities. The tenure and appointment of the State Chief Election Commissioner is directed as per the law made by the State legislature. Hence, option (A) is correct. Check out MPPCS 2022 Prelims Official Answer Key .