
Showing posts with the label CDS 2022 Previous Year Questions

Which of the following methods is followed in electing the President of India?

A. Proportional Representation only B. First-past-the-Post System only C. Proportional Representation and Single Transfer Vote System D. Proportional Representation and First-past-the-Post System Solution: C The election of the President in India is described in Article 54 of the Constitution. The President of India is elected indirectly through Proportional Representation and Single Transfer Vote System. Recently, Draupadi Murmu became India's 15th President. Under Article 60, the President of India takes the oath before entering his office. The Chief Justice of India administers the oath of office to the President. The President's term of office is five years, starting from the day he takes office. Hence, (c) is the correct answer. Watch video explanation on election of President of India . 

The headquarter of Ghadar Movement / Party were at

A.  San Francisco B. Stanford University C. Portland D.  Florida Solution: A Ghadar Party was founded on 15 July 1913 in Astoria, Oregon. Its headquarters and Hindustan Ghadar newspaper were based in San Francisco, California. The party was formally dissolved in 1948. Hence, (a) is the correct answer. Know more about Freedom Movements in India .